Several months ago I put three of my pieces forward for an exhibition that Castle Park Arts in Frodsham are holding this autumn. As you do, I then forgot all about it and my mind moved on to other more important things like the perfect name for a cat I'm not getting (Erasmus this week), and whether to tell my bro he really should learn to ride a horse. Last Friday I received an email informing me that all three pieces had been accepted. Yay! I am elated! In the grand scheme of being an artist it measures about a millimetre, but for me, it's still smiley news. A win is a win, no matter how small.
Yesterday I spent an hour wrapping up my three ceramic hats; Steampunk Topper, Poppins and Floral Bowler all ready to take to the gallery on Saturday. The exhibition runs from Friday 8 November until Saturday 21 December (my birthday!), so quite a wee while. It's going to be fun to see all of the other artworks on display and to meet some of the artists. Alongside this, I will still be studying and moving my practice forward, honing my skills and following the learning process.
